The Government used false "probable case" to secure warrants for arrest and seizure.
Agent Jamie Perez presented false information to the judge to secure warrants in the IAG case. The following FALSE information was given to secure warrants. it shows that the Agent obviously did not understand a child with a living parent or relative could be placed for adoption.
“On August 1st, 2012, DSS Agents stationed at the Regional Security Office of the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (RSO Addis), referred a list of complaints from the adoptive parents about International Adoption Guides (IAG), a private adoption agency licensed in South Carolina, to the Criminal Fraud Investigations Unit (CFI) of the DSS. These complaints detailed practices that included IAG staff coercing, paying, and manipulating Ethiopian families in to giving up their children for adoptions and presenting children as having no living parents to the adoptive families and the U.S. Embassy when the children had one or more Living parent”
“DSS agents conducted interviews with many adoptive families named in RSO Addis’ initial referral, and were also contacted directly by families. These families claimed to have evidence that IAG staff advised and induced them to lie on the U.S. Visa petition and during the Embassy interviews. In particular to state that their adoptive children were full orphans per U.S. Department of State definitions, when in fact they were not. Families described IAG program direction James Bryant Harding, and Ethiopian associate IAG employee Haile Ayalneh Mekonne telling them to conceal material facts about the children during U.S. interviews via email, and published materials sent to them. Families interviewed also placed Harding and McKonne in Ethiopia, handing out scripts to and coaching adoptive parents prior to these interviews.”
The warrant for arrest was based on a GROSS MISUNDERSTANDING of the way a child is considered an orphan for the purpose of adoption and how a child with a living parent becomes an orphan. IT is also a GROSS MISUNDERSTANDING how to complete the I-600 format the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia.
This issue was very confusing due to the fact that the I-600 form (old form) check box 16 the adoptive parents were required to check the "no parent" box when their child had been relinquished by a birth parent in the Ethiopia Court. The confusing fact was in many cases a child placed for adoption had been relinquished by a living birth parent. The adoptive parent did not understand why IAG would provide them a social history of a child showing the child had a living parent yet IAG advised them to fill out the I-600 check box 16 "no parent" box.
This issue was addressed several times by the U.S. consular officer Scott Driskel at several meetings. See Email Dated Dec. 20, 2007 and Email dated Oct. 14, 2008 See Scott Driskel Power Point presentation Oct. 9, 2008 page 12 Scott Driskel instructed agencies "check the box Box 16 must be checked “He or she has no parents.”
The reason for checking this box was a child had "no parents" if the child had been relinquished in the Ethiopian court by a parent or guardian. All children placed by IAG had been relinquished in the Ethiopian court and the court documents along with the social history of the child was submitted to the Embassy. The i604 forms completed by the U.S. Embassy to issued the visa would document in section 10 on the I-604 form how the birthparent's rights were terminated.
This issue was so confusing USCIS changed the I-600 form in 2015, See the New I-600 form and the old I-600 form.
IAG WAS RAILROADED because the Government DID Not UNDERSTAND how the I-600 forms were completed.
Agent Perez also, gave FALSE information to the Grand Jury.
See Pacer Document 207 and supporting information. 207 Exhibits
1. 207-1 US Ethiopian Consular officer emails explaining the adoption process
2. 207-2 IAG's License to Operate in Ethiopia
3 207-3 info about how Orphans came into care at Agency Care Centers
4. 207-4 IAG's contract with the Ethiopian Gov to open a licensed Foster Care/ Orphanage
5. 207-5 Letter from Ethiopian Government approving IAG's project proposal. The project proposal was to open an orphanage and foster care center. NOTE: the yellow highlighting on this document was done by the U.S. Government. This document was found with YELLOW HIGHLIGHTING in the evidence room. This proves the Government knew IAG was fully licensed to operate an orphanage. If you read the book "Licensed to Lie:" you will see that this Yellow Highlighting is normal practice of the DOJ.
6. 207-6 Ethiopian Government letter to IAG approving IAG's application to work in Ethiopia.(Agent Perez told the Grand Jury IAG was running an "unlicensed orphanage"
7. 207-7 Contract between IAG and the Ethiopian207-9.pdf Government to open licensed child care center.
8. 207-8 Example Ethiopian Court documents to show the court process and that the documents given to the U.S. Embassy showed the child was relinquished by a parent or guardian in the Ethiopian Court. These documents PROVE IAG did not lie about a child having a living parent or relative. These are U.S. Embassy documents used to complete form i-604 to issue the visa for the child.
9. 207-9 Email about the school teacher that the Government said we bribed by giving her $200. The $200 was for her college. The school teacher was a part-time employee of IAG.
10. 207-10 Document showing what agencies were working in Ethiopia
11. 207-11 Ethiopian documents to show how the local Government would assign a child to an orphanage that was supported by IAG.
This is a GROSS INJUSTICE. The government that should be exposed for using false information to secure an indictment and warrants for arrest.. Please contact me if you want additional information.
Mary Mooney
Agent Jamie Perez presented false information to the judge to secure warrants in the IAG case. The following FALSE information was given to secure warrants. it shows that the Agent obviously did not understand a child with a living parent or relative could be placed for adoption.
“On August 1st, 2012, DSS Agents stationed at the Regional Security Office of the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (RSO Addis), referred a list of complaints from the adoptive parents about International Adoption Guides (IAG), a private adoption agency licensed in South Carolina, to the Criminal Fraud Investigations Unit (CFI) of the DSS. These complaints detailed practices that included IAG staff coercing, paying, and manipulating Ethiopian families in to giving up their children for adoptions and presenting children as having no living parents to the adoptive families and the U.S. Embassy when the children had one or more Living parent”
“DSS agents conducted interviews with many adoptive families named in RSO Addis’ initial referral, and were also contacted directly by families. These families claimed to have evidence that IAG staff advised and induced them to lie on the U.S. Visa petition and during the Embassy interviews. In particular to state that their adoptive children were full orphans per U.S. Department of State definitions, when in fact they were not. Families described IAG program direction James Bryant Harding, and Ethiopian associate IAG employee Haile Ayalneh Mekonne telling them to conceal material facts about the children during U.S. interviews via email, and published materials sent to them. Families interviewed also placed Harding and McKonne in Ethiopia, handing out scripts to and coaching adoptive parents prior to these interviews.”
The warrant for arrest was based on a GROSS MISUNDERSTANDING of the way a child is considered an orphan for the purpose of adoption and how a child with a living parent becomes an orphan. IT is also a GROSS MISUNDERSTANDING how to complete the I-600 format the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia.
This issue was very confusing due to the fact that the I-600 form (old form) check box 16 the adoptive parents were required to check the "no parent" box when their child had been relinquished by a birth parent in the Ethiopia Court. The confusing fact was in many cases a child placed for adoption had been relinquished by a living birth parent. The adoptive parent did not understand why IAG would provide them a social history of a child showing the child had a living parent yet IAG advised them to fill out the I-600 check box 16 "no parent" box.
This issue was addressed several times by the U.S. consular officer Scott Driskel at several meetings. See Email Dated Dec. 20, 2007 and Email dated Oct. 14, 2008 See Scott Driskel Power Point presentation Oct. 9, 2008 page 12 Scott Driskel instructed agencies "check the box Box 16 must be checked “He or she has no parents.”
The reason for checking this box was a child had "no parents" if the child had been relinquished in the Ethiopian court by a parent or guardian. All children placed by IAG had been relinquished in the Ethiopian court and the court documents along with the social history of the child was submitted to the Embassy. The i604 forms completed by the U.S. Embassy to issued the visa would document in section 10 on the I-604 form how the birthparent's rights were terminated.
This issue was so confusing USCIS changed the I-600 form in 2015, See the New I-600 form and the old I-600 form.
IAG WAS RAILROADED because the Government DID Not UNDERSTAND how the I-600 forms were completed.
Agent Perez also, gave FALSE information to the Grand Jury.
See Pacer Document 207 and supporting information. 207 Exhibits
1. 207-1 US Ethiopian Consular officer emails explaining the adoption process
2. 207-2 IAG's License to Operate in Ethiopia
3 207-3 info about how Orphans came into care at Agency Care Centers
4. 207-4 IAG's contract with the Ethiopian Gov to open a licensed Foster Care/ Orphanage
5. 207-5 Letter from Ethiopian Government approving IAG's project proposal. The project proposal was to open an orphanage and foster care center. NOTE: the yellow highlighting on this document was done by the U.S. Government. This document was found with YELLOW HIGHLIGHTING in the evidence room. This proves the Government knew IAG was fully licensed to operate an orphanage. If you read the book "Licensed to Lie:" you will see that this Yellow Highlighting is normal practice of the DOJ.
6. 207-6 Ethiopian Government letter to IAG approving IAG's application to work in Ethiopia.(Agent Perez told the Grand Jury IAG was running an "unlicensed orphanage"
7. 207-7 Contract between IAG and the Ethiopian207-9.pdf Government to open licensed child care center.
8. 207-8 Example Ethiopian Court documents to show the court process and that the documents given to the U.S. Embassy showed the child was relinquished by a parent or guardian in the Ethiopian Court. These documents PROVE IAG did not lie about a child having a living parent or relative. These are U.S. Embassy documents used to complete form i-604 to issue the visa for the child.
9. 207-9 Email about the school teacher that the Government said we bribed by giving her $200. The $200 was for her college. The school teacher was a part-time employee of IAG.
10. 207-10 Document showing what agencies were working in Ethiopia
11. 207-11 Ethiopian documents to show how the local Government would assign a child to an orphanage that was supported by IAG.
This is a GROSS INJUSTICE. The government that should be exposed for using false information to secure an indictment and warrants for arrest.. Please contact me if you want additional information.
Mary Mooney